Our educators are more than teachers. They are creative practitioners and experts in their own professions. Collectively, their diverse backgrounds and wealth of cultural and industry knowledge translate into an added learning advantage for our students.
Their commitment to impart their knowledge and skills to our students, also of different nationalities, creates an environment which is rich in creativity and innovation. This conducive learning environment will broaden students' perspectives, enhance adaptability and enrich their personal growth.

President (Academic)
Education: Master of Education (M.Ed.) from Curtin University of Technology, a Graduate Diploma in Education from Edith Cowan University and a Bachelor of Arts (Product Design) from Curtin University.

Ms. Tatyana DEDKOVA
Academic Lead.
Business Administration
Programme Coordinator
Education: Zaporizhzhya State University, Ukraine. Bachelor in Management of Organisations, Masters in Tourism and Hospitality Industry
Specialities: Management of Organisations Management of Hotel, Resort and Tourist Services

Mr. Iven TEH
Vice Academic Lead
Fashion Design & Marketing Coordinator.
Education: Bachelor of Design, with Major in Fashion Design (First Class Honours) at Raffles College of Higher Education Singapore
Awards: Showcased at Mercedes Benz Australia Fashion Week 2015 Finalist of Harper’s BAZAAR New Generation Fashion Design Award (Malaysia), 2015 Showcased at Singapore Digital Fashion Week 2014

Fashion Design
Mr. Harvee KOK
Education: Master Degree in Fashion Design - Raffles DesignInstitute Singapore Advanced Diploma in Fashion Design - Raffles Design Institute Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Bachalor Degree in Business Admistration - Northern University of Malaysia
Awards: Winner of Singapore Design Awards Winner of SG Mark Good Design Awards 2016, Showcase at Kuala Lumpur Fashion Week (KLFW) 2014, Malaysia Showcase at Audi Fashion Festival (AFF) 2014, Singapore Johnnie Walker “Keep Walking” campaign ambassador 2014 Winner of Harper's BAZAAR Asia's New Generation Fashion Designer 2013 Award at Bangkok International Fashion Week (BIFW) 2013, Thailand

Business Administration Professor
Education: PhD in Management, De La Salle Araneta University, Philippines as well as his Masters in Business Administration in Philippines, Bachelor Of Industrial Engineering from Islamic azad University of Iran.
Published Books :
1. Business and Administrative Communication,
2. Communication in Everyday Life
3. Modern Scientific Communication,
4. Data Science for Business and Decision Making: an Introductory Text for Students and Practitioners
5. The Economics of Innovation

Mr. Bernard Walker TEACH
Professor - Graphic Design
Graduated with a Bachelor Degree in Art (Graphic Design) from the American Academy of Art, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Attended Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois and George Williams College, Downers Grove, Illinois, USA
Art Design & Education Career Highlights:
1975 to 1996 – Extensive hands-on experiences in the Graphic Design Industry and related art fields in USA, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the region for more than 20 years.
1997 to present – Have been lecturing and counseling in Art Design & Visual Communication colleges globally.

Education: Master in Business Administration - University of the East Manila Metro Manila, Philippines. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - University of the East Manila, Metro Manila Philippines.
Authored The Following Books :
1. Comprehensive Guide to Business Risk Management
2. Key Concepts in Marketing and Advertising
3. Digital Leadership
4. Customer Service in Business: Keeping- Your Customers Close and Loyal 5. Business Management in an Uncertain World: An Introductory Text for Executives
6. International Business Strategy in Emerging Markets